I have never agreed with the mentality of saving the best for last. I don't really like waiting for surprises. Either I am going to be surprised now or I am going to be surprised later so why draw it out, yeah? Anyway, enough of my opinions.
I am very grateful that my Heavenly Father knows exactly what I need. I say that with a grain of salt because I feel that trials keep stacking up. Someone keeps putting rocks in my backpack. Fortunately, our wonderful Father in Heaven sends me little shots of light that I can tuck away for later. Today's little boost was found in Alma 17 and when I say it was found there I mean it was encompassed in the entire chapter. I love it. The Lord had me in mind when He said and did those things. I am sure of it and I say it without irony. He had just completed the Atonement and I would like to think that everything He suffered was not so soon forgotten. I am sure the pain was still very real in His mind, easily recalled but easily relieved because He had also completed the single greatest act in human history. He had created a way for our pain to find relief, our burdens to be laid aside, and our sins to be swept away in a flood of compassion. That is what I am thankful for.
Also, I am grateful for friends who are exceedingly patient with my nonsense. It's like hanging around a moody little weasel. You never know when it'll snap, and if you're not careful you have a furry demon up in your grill. Ok, it's not that bad, but nevertheless I still have great friends who put up with a lot of junk from me.
Lastly, I am eternally grateful for my family. They are so great. 'Nuff said. Words don't really describe my family. You really just have to be fortunate enough to know them to know what I mean.
So in all reality this is not the most epic post or even the least bit entertaining. The good news is that it's all true. Remember to cultivate and attitude of gratitude because I reckon that, just as Elder Richard Scott said, we can find peace and comfort in our trials and pain.
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