Angela is one of the most inquisitive people I know. After we met her on that wonderfully cold night we continued to teach her and her daughter about the gospel and the Plan of Salvation. Angela read almost everything we gave her and sometimes a lot more. She would be prepared with questions. I love the quizzical look she would get on her face when she absorbed some new bit of information. Her mane of curly hair stuck out and her eyebrows would come together and then it would click and she would softly say 'Ohhh, I get it' and then she would smile. She let the Holy Ghost teach her so quickly. She, like Nathaniel, was without guile.
After some time, though not much, Angela made the fateful decision to be baptized. She honored me by asking me to baptize her, though the real credit of her baptism goes to the Holy Spirit and Elder Adamson Bryner, a dear friend of mine who helped her understand the importance of baptism.
The day of her baptism was filled with suspense. She often arrives for things just in the nick of time, and her baptism was no exception. I was dressed in white, and so was she. As we sat next to each other I couldn't help but smile as I thought of the miraculous way in which she found the church. Heavenly Father knows us, His children. He knows where to find us. He knows how to help us. He knew that Angela was ready to accept the gospel and He sent us, two young missionaries and a dear friend named Mike. I cannot express the love I feel for my Savior, my Heavenly Father, Angela, Mike, and all the others who have touched my life with their love and faith.
Do you think the Lord knows you? I reckon so.
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