Monday, January 16, 2012

Best Be Mindin': Kansas and other assorted states and countries

 I love meeting new people. It's one of my favorite things to do, actually, but I was never blessed with the social capacity of easily interacting with large groups of people at once. I get sort of lost in the mire of gossip and conversation and then it just becomes background noise like the sound of sirens in Kansas City or the trains in Mulvane. Every once in while some well-meaning soul will come and interrupt my isolated reverie and bring my thoughts careening back into the present. I am grateful for these people. They tend to be good listeners. I like to listen and I love to be heard. I am not as dull and obtuse as I look, and I have discovered that most people are that way. You can gain much from listening. I am striving to be a better listener with the hope that someone will later return the favor. Do you think that big ears might not be such a bad thing? I reckon so.

"The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer."
— Henry David Thoreau

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